michelle pell 3rd October 2007

What a lovely thing to do for such a wonderful person. Shaun was my brother and the most fantastic person in my life. I've been trying to think of a few memories that stick out here's just a few that spring to mind. As anyone who knows him they'll know that diggers were a big part of his life and i remember at about the age of two he first started to ride in them we would spend saturdays at our dad's and weekends and i would be sat in the transit van playing with my dolls and shaun would be in the digger with the biggest grin on his face, and that never changed! Jensen is just the same you can't get him out of a jcb! Another memory that stands out is mum being fetched by a neighbour as shaun was up a tree or lampost hanging upside down that was the norm! The only thing for now that i must say is that my life without my little bro who was born two days before my fourth birthday (my best birthday present ever) is the most awful exsistence ever. I'll never ever stop loving and thinking of him my heart is broken and will never be repaired. Love your big sis michelle x